We sell Spotnails brand staples. Spotnails is one of the largest OEM staple manufacturers in the world. We unconditionally guarantee the quality of our staples – at the best price online.
Spotnails is a world-class brand that gives customers access to the best selection of staples. The defining feature of these fasteners is they bridge the gap between precision and durability. From corrugated fasteners to nails, every one of Spotnails’ products demonstrates incredible flexibility and durability in different tasks.
You can find stapler sizes to suit every project, including the versatile 80 Series 1/2-inch crown staples, which are compatible with a variety of brands, such as BEA, Atro, and Prebena. These tools integrate seamlessly with your existing tools. Embrace the innovative 97 Series staples for unparalleled performance in more delicate applications.
With Spotnails, you're investing in better solutions. Spotnails staples stand the test of time due to their quality, durability, and flexibility in uses. Choose this brand for a legacy of excellence in every staple.