Spotnails Staples | Salco –Staple Headquarters

We sell Spotnails brand staples. Spotnails is one of the largest OEM staple manufacturers in the world.  We unconditionally guarantee the quality of our staples – at the best price online.

Spotnails is a world-class brand that gives customers access to the best selection of staples. The defining feature of these fasteners is they bridge the gap between precision and durability. From corrugated fasteners to nails, every one of Spotnails’ products demonstrates incredible flexibility and durability in different tasks.

You can find stapler sizes to suit every project, including the versatile 80 Series 1/2-inch crown staples, which are compatible with a variety of brands, such as BEA, Atro, and Prebena. These tools integrate seamlessly with your existing tools. Embrace the innovative 97 Series staples for unparalleled performance in more delicate applications.

With Spotnails, you're investing in better solutions. Spotnails staples stand the test of time due to their quality, durability, and flexibility in uses. Choose this brand for a legacy of excellence in every staple.

  • 71 Series/Senco C

    71 Series/Senco C series staples 3/8-inch crown, 22 Ga. Interchangeable with Senco C, Empire #7, BeA 71, Prebena V.
  • 80 Series Staples

    80 series staples 1/2 inch crown, 20 Ga. Interchangeable with BEA 80 / 380, Atro 8, JK680, Haubold 800, Empire 8, Rainco 8, Prebena A.
  • 92 Series/Bostitch SL5035

    92 Series / Bostitch SL5035 Staples, 5/16-inch crown, 18 Ga. Interchangeable with Bostitch SL5035, BeA 92/ 192, Prebena H.
  • 97 Series Staples

    Spotnails 97 Series Staples, 3/16-inch crown, 20 Ga. Interchangeable with Bostitch SB97 Floor Staples, Bea 97, Prebena O
  • Arrow T50, 3/8-inch flat crown

    Arrow T50 staples, 3/8-inch flat crown, for all T50 and T55 Arrow tackers.
  • Bostitch 16S2 Staples

    Spotnails/Bostitch 16S2 Series Staples, 1-inch Crown 16 Ga. Interchangeable with Bostitch 16S2, Bea 140, Prebena WC.
  • Bostitch 16S4 Staples

    Bostitch 16S4 Series Staples, 1/2-inch Crown, 16 Ga. Interchangable with Bostitch 16S4, Prebena S, Atro 16NC.
  • Bostitch STCR5019

    Spotnails STCR5019 Series Staples, 7/16-inch crown, fine wire. Interchangeable with Bostitch STCR5019 PowerCrown staples.
  • Bostitch SX5035

    Bostitch SX5035 staples, 7/32" crown, 18 ga. Interchangeable with Bostitch SX5035
  • Duo Fast 31 Staples

    Duo Fast 31 series fine wire staples 3/8 inch Crown, 22 Ga. Interchangeable with Duo Fast 31, Fasco ED31xx staples.
  • Duo Fast 50 Staples

    Duo Fast 50 Series Staples, 1/2-inch Crown 20 Ga. Interchangeable with Duo-Fast 5000, BeA 95, Prebena AD
  • Duo Fast 54 Staples

    Duo Fast 54 Series Staples, 3/16-inch crown, 20 Ga. Interchangeable with Duo-Fast 5400, Haubold 2000, Prebena TF.
  • Paslode GS-16 Staples

    Paslode GS-16 Series Staples, 1/2-inch crown, 16 Ga. Interchangeable with Paslode GS-16, Prebena GX.
  • Paslode GSW16 Staples

    Paslode GSW16 series staples 15/16-inch crown, 16 Ga. Interchangeable with Haubold BK, Prebena WT.
  • Senco L / Duo Fast 1800

    Senco L / Duo Fast 1800 Series Staples, 1/4-inch Crown 18 Ga. Interchangeable with Duo Fast 1800, Senco L, BeA 90,
  • Senco N / Bostitch 16S5

    Senco N / Bostitch 16S5 Series Staples, 7/16-inch Crown, 16 Ga. Interchangeable with Bostitch 16S5, Senco N, BeA 160, Prebena L.
  • Senco P/ Duo Fast 1700

    Senco P/ Duo Fast 1700 Series Staples, 1-inch Crown 16 Ga. Interchangeable with Duo-Fast 1700, Senco P, BeA 145.
  • Spotnails Floor Cleats

    Spotnails floor L staples 16 Ga. Used in FCL2650 L-cleat flooring tool.